3 Tips for Social Media Strategy
As business owners and employees, we are all aware of the importance of social media marketing. The opportunities and advantages offered from integrating social media marketing into your overall marketing strategy are endless. Social media supports your brand and...
Create a strong brand to grow with your business
In this article, we will identify how your brand can grow and evolve with your business, why a company might rebrand their business and things to consider when creating new business branding. We’ll look at global versus local branding and share the next steps you need...
BNI Silk of Macclesfield
Nettl of Macclesfield are proud to be members of BNI Silk of Macclesfield. This weekly networking group has brought some great opportunities to work with local businesses. BNI Silk of Macclesfield was recently recognised as ‘Chapter of the Month’ across the Cheshire...